Wednesday, 1 June 2016

First Day of June

When I was a kid, I was always on my bike – it was the only way to travel. Although I didn’t really go very far, it was a good way to get round (and kept me fit too – even though I couldn’t really be bothered with this – not like some of my school mates, who would often be seen pumping iron in the gym and comparing ‘ripple’ next day at school – like I say, I couldn’t be bothered). I digress.

It was not unusual for me to cycle, and – this time – to my brother in Frankley. I remember one year distinctly. I’d been to see him and his family (I think it must have been a Saturday, as neither he was at work nor me at school). I don’t remember much of the visit (sorry bro), but I do remember the journey home. It was the 1st of June.

Some of you will know that UK is one of the nicest countries in the world, when we are having good weather. It can be glorious; and I’m sure all of you have stories about different adventures from the days of Yor. I have lots, and maybe over the following weeks you’ll get to hear about some of them (some are strictly for the memory box).

So I’m saying goodbye to my brother and his family and off I set. The hill, at the start of the journey home, is enough to get a sweat-on. However, on this occasion that was just not going to happen. As is often the case, in June (i.e. Summer) it is likely that one will dress in light clothing, such as a T-shirt, and that would be enough. So I did, I got up, got dressed and set off to Frankley. On this occasion, however, the climb up the hill was met with snow. Not just a sprinkling, but a whole hearted blizzard – IN JUNE!!! I was frozen. My hands were freezing. My toes were frost bitten. My fingers were nearly falling off. IT WAS B****Y COLD!!!

I finally got home – relieved that no long-term damage was sustained. I was cold, wet, tired, but relieved. What I couldn’t believe was that on the first day of June that year, it snowed. The year? 1976. Three weeks after that, the weather broke and we had the hottest summer on record - wouldn’t you know?