Monday, 25 April 2016

Delays Abound

I was late today. Late to work, late home and late writing this blog.

This morning was a fruitful meeting between our builder and our architect. Lots of things discussed, lots of conclusions and lots more questions to answer – I guess that’s often the way. Still, I think we all went away positive. But it meant that my departure time was later than usual.

This delay in my usual commute meant that I was behind schedule going in – it was after lunch. No real issues though, as I was early enough to ‘deliver’ my tutorial. Just as well, it was presentation time (for them, not me).

This, as it turns out, meant that I was delayed in writing this blog. (I must confess: there are occasions when I try and get ahead of the game – a little trick I learned working in radio – by writing a blog entry early). But today, dear friends, no dice (and of course if I had, I wouldn’t be writing about all the delays I had today – sort of ironic, don’t you think?)

So on 25th April 2016, the blog is delayed. But you’ll not know that. Because I always post the blog for each day at a specific time (8am GMT).

It seems, moreover, that today is the day for delays. The tutorial session ended late (it’s assignment time) which had the knock-on effect of me leaving work late. I get to the platform in time for the 19:02 and, you guessed it, it arrived at 19:12...Late.

In an effort to catch up on these delays, I was going to be lazy and not fold Betty – you know, like the old days when I had a more conventional bike, just locate the folding seat area at the end of the second carriage, and lean the bike in there (although I think I’ll still use the bungee trick) remove the bike at destination and off...

But alas, the train schedule was as tardy as mine, and as I waited, so did others, and more others, and more others until the platform was bulging (or it would have been, were we sardines in a tin).

As it happens, I baulked, folded Betty, and took up my usual spot on the platform ready for the mad boarding activity that ensues during rush-hour. Maybe I’ll have a go next week.

Still, there is a silver lining – my dinner was early (or so I’ve been told via a text from the missus). The more I think about it, early retirement is an attractive prospect – even if it is a) quite a number of years away (see what I did there?) and; b) reduce my involvement with commuting, which reduces any blogs that I might write, here. It's not often I get to write fewer blog entries.

Which reminds me. Next Monday is a Bank Holiday – woohoo! I know you’re gonna miss me.

That not-folding routine I mentioned? It’ll have to wait…

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