Friday, 8 April 2016

Please Sir. Can I Have Some More?

I’ve had to commute five days this week. Five days. Last week was four because of the BHM and the week before was four because of Good Friday. This week there’s nothing. Five Days.

Ok. We do get more:

Two in May (the 2nd and the 30th)...

One in August (29th)...

Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year (I know, I know. This is 2017. But it counts).

That also means five entries to this blog!!!

The Queen, God bless her, is ninety this month. And I got to thinking: How much of a celebration is that? Getting to ninety in the first place is a cool thing (the bible says three-score years and ten – to my mind that’s seventy, so anything else is a bonus).

Apparently, there will be street parties (I understand picnic hampers are in order) in June and 10,000 people will be invited to celebrate in The Mall (I wonder how many of them own a Bickerton) during May. Thus, in April, May and June, there are specific days for celebration. However, as far as I can tell, there are no extra bank holidays planned. Which is a shame. 

Before I get too many comments about my political leanings, I want to state right now that I’m not a Royalist. However, not since Queen Victoria (and never before her) have we had such a long-reigning Monarch. In that respect, the UK (still including Scotland in this one) is quite unique. If my calculations are right, then, this double event – the Diamond Jubilee and the 90th Birthday – occurs no more than once in one-hundred-and-fifty years.

Is there another Nation in the world that can compare? Surely a bank holiday, as a celebratory one-off gift from the government, is not too much to ask for?

So then, what are we asking our government for, when we ask for a Bank Holiday to celebrate the start of the tenth decade of our Queen Elizabeth II? £2.3 Billion? Osbourne is already half way there with the reduction in disability benefits, just another £1.2 billion to find behind the sofa.

What do they get in return? Happy civilians.

At least for one day.

The question is posed: Is it worth a day's holiday to celebrate our Queen, the most famous nonagenarian in the world? Possibly. But more importantly, to be the most famous nonagenarian in the wold is a place that Betty aspires towards.

I’m doing my bit...

1 comment:

Andy said...

Need to get behind this ...."That April 21st, the Queen's 90th birthday, be made a public holiday"

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